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Green Team Network, 2024 so far: Celebrating Wins & Delivering Impact

Writer's picture: Green Team NetworkGreen Team Network

Updated: Aug 28, 2024

As the summer gallops by, the Green Team Network (GTN) is preparing to ramp up activity for the remainder of the year. It’s timely to reflect on where we are now and to keep building from here – so let’s look back at the eventful year so far and set the scene for what comes next.


Green Team Network recently surpassed the 3,000 mark in terms of followers (LinkedIn) and we have over 1,000 subscribers to our email and events circulation list. To become a LinkedIn follower click here and “follow”: https://GTN-LinkedIn-page  and to be added to our circulation lists, click here and complete the “subscribe” link:


Eventful is probably an understatement! – 2024 so far has seen GTN bring about a full and varied line-up of events and activities, with our followers attending and participating with great enthusiasm. Here’s a recap:

GTN Breakfast Briefing (28th February) – Kindly hosted by Eversheds Sutherland, fuelling us for the day with breakfast delights and insightful company and conversation. GTN’s Jack Lee moderated a lively panel discussion around the implications of food waste, excess plastic and the practical ways in which we can create better behaviours in our homes, workplaces and communities. The discussion was highly enriched by the expertise and experience of our panel comprising Angela Ruttledge, Head of Public Engagement with FoodCloud (the Irish charity focused on minimising food waste by redirecting surplus food to communities that can use it), Tad Kirakowski, CEO of Voice Ireland (a charity also intent on waste reduction and advancing the circular economy in Europe and a key player behind Ireland’s recent adoption of the Deposit Return Scheme) and Darragh Blake, who shared valuable perspectives and practical examples relating to Evershed Sutherland’s own endeavours to improve its carbon footprint.

Tree Planting at Clonkeen Park, Dublin 18 (23 March) – Not just colleagues, but family and friends came out in force again on this Spring morning to plant hundreds of native Irish trees including Oak, Pine and Birch. All part of the Council’s larger goal to plant 10,000 trees in DLR East this Spring.

Irish Funds Grant Thornton “Sustainathon 2024” (23-24 April) – The two-day Challenge returned, with this year’s theme focusing on reducing single use plastics across Ireland’s funds and asset management industry.  GTN’s Sarah Bradley and Grace Killeen were delighted to be on hand to support the event and congratulate the creators of the winning idea “Planet Play”, a concept based on a mix of gamification, employer-employee collaboration, NFCs on smartphones and a healthy dose of fun!

2024 Irish Funds Climate Challenge (22 April-6 May) – Back bigger and better for its second year, this year’s Climate Challenge was another roaring success. The Challenge exceeded all expectations over the 2 week period and with participation spanning 29 organisations across 3 continents, our dedicated participants saved a staggering 280 tonnes of CO2e emissions. That's equivalent to circumnavigating the globe by airplane 28 times!

After a neck and neck competition, the overall Climate Challenge award was scooped by Innocap, with awards in other categories going to The Panel, Kroll, BlackRock, MUFG Investor Services, Gemini Capital, Mercer and the team of “Climate Collaborators”. Individual Climate Champion awards were also picked up by Suzanne Cashin (RBC Brewin Dolphin), Adrienne Illes (Irish Funds), Mina Dawood (LK Shields) and Aoife Kearney (Neuberger Berman) for their particularly impressive efforts. Sincere thanks to this year’s Climate Challenge sponsors, MUFG Investor Services, and huge congratulations to all who took part.

The Conference Circuit

The ESG Summit, Croke Park (30 April) was a multi-faceted day of sustainability-themed talks, think tanks and networking. GTN co-founder, Aedín O’Leary, took the chair at a lively series of presentations on “How to create an Eco-Friendly Business”. Sharing insights on the wealth of resources we can tap into to enhance our sustainability skills, thinking and actions, it was great to hear from Nessa Whelan (UN Global Compact), Joanne Sheahan (Enterprise Ireland), Mary Lyons (SOLAS) and Lyndsey Simpson (55/Redefined).

“Sustainability: Overseeing a Successful Transition”, an informative panel discussion at the Chartered Governance UK & Ireland’s Annual Conference (22 May), reflected on progress as well as speed bumps experienced by different sectors of industry in cutting greenhouse emissions so far, but also looked ahead to challenges to be tackled and opportunities to be availed of as we navigate the path to a low carbon future. The diverse backgrounds of the panellists, Iseult Ward (CEO, FoodCloud), John McNamara (Head of Sustainability, Bord na Móna) and two of GTN’s Co-founders, Ann Shiels and Aedín O’Leary, led to a rich discussion weaving through subjects from radical business transformation and tackling food insecurity to effectively navigating regulation and sustainability reporting.

We were thrilled to attend the Irish Funds Global Funds Conference (23 May), where we officially presented the above Climate Challenge winners with beautiful, bespoke plaques (designed by the Rediscovery Centre, Ballymun from salvaged mahogany worktops and an old French dresser, reflecting a very apt circular economy ethos).

The Climate Challenge Plaques

Who says Sustainability Can’t be Fun?

Social and personal interaction is a core component of GTN’s philosophy as an environmentally conscious forum. It was brilliant to attend the sold-out Climate Cocktail Club event at The Sugar Club (12 June), a wonderfully sociable platform for sharing sustainability initiatives, connecting with likeminded individuals, drawing inspiration and learning about climate solutions. An opportunity also to hear from some inspiring speakers highlighting the increased issues around food security and the importance of cultivating food empathy. All this accompanied by a selection of tasty sustainable snacks and cocktails – what's not to like?!

Full house at the "Climate Cocktail Club", 12 June

There was further constructive fun around the country at the second GTN National Clean-up (14 June). Representatives from almost 20 different companies (mainly in the Irish funds industry) set aside the afternoon to pick up litter near their work or home. It was truly a national clean-up, demonstrating real community spirit as some joined with existing groups in Dublin, Cork, Galway, Belfast, while others chose their own localities across the counties of Wexford, Tipperary and Roscommon to name just some. https://greenteamnetwork-national-cleanup

All hands on deck for the 2024 GTN "National Clean-Up"


Here's just a taste of what’s in the offing in the coming months, with more details to follow:

The Big Beach Clean-Up (20-22 September): More information to follow, but if you’d like to gather a crew to take part or if you want to join us, contact us at

Green Pledge Roundtable (25 September)

Building on the success of last year's roundtable lunch and peer exchange between firms in the funds industry that have completed the Green Pledge, we will hold another such session, this time generously hosted by GemCap Ireland. Participant firms have found it invaluable to be able to compare notes around sustainability practices with industry peers in a discreet and supportive environment. We look forward to also welcoming the additional firms that have completed the Green Pledge

this year - signatories now total 24 firms.

For more information on The Green Pledge, please contact

Climate Cocktail Club (“CCC”), More Events:

13 November, 7.30pm: “CCC Nature, Naturally”, @ The Sugar Club, Dublin 2

18 December, 7.30pm: "CCC Christmas Cracker”, @ The Sugar Club, Dublin 2

Sustainable Finance Week – GTN Panel & Networking Event

Week starting 25th November – Details to be confirmed.

Thanks again to all of you for your fantastic support so far in 2024. GTN is very much a team effort and we simply couldn’t do it without you. We look forward to bringing you further activities and platforms through which we can all raise our game on tackling climate change, both individually and collectively, over the coming months.

If you might be interested in getting involved as a volunteer with Green Team Network, please do get in touch and we can fill you in on the possible options. Alternatively, if your organisation would be interested in sponsoring or hosting an event or activity for GTN, we would also love to hear from you. Contact

Here’s to an exciting Autumn with GTN!










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